Monday, April 21, 2008

What My Mother Said

I think I have posted before that I don't have contact with my birth mother - and I am comfortable with that. I say that up front because this isn't intended to be having a go at her, just sharing a funny memory for which I am sure we have our own version.

The saying (or mother wisdom) that brings me to write this post is "stop crying or I will give you something to cry about". This usually followed an instance in which crying was a result of not getting one's own way or other ridiculous reasons for being a drama queen (or king if the hat fits) not in an instance of injury or other 'justified' reasons for a good cry.

Now obviously this lack of logic was drawn to mom's attention in my teenage years in which case she did what all good mothers do - deny it completely while laughing behind her hand.

Does anyone else have an example of similar 'mother (il)logic'?

1 comment:

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Wish I could answer this one MG... maybe tomorrow...