Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Dream Update

No I don't plan on posting every dream I have but I did think it was important that PJK, yes King Paul, came by last night to tell me I was doing a great job and everything was okay. Again I have no idea why He came by, but who cares, it was PJK (launch Elle McFeast song now) !!! :-)


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

God woman...could you have got a better photo...the 'God of Arrogance' doesnt look that old in my

I know personally, if Paul says its all good, its all good...or there better be a good reason for it not being...

Unknown said...

the thinking womans oh and i love elle mcfeast as well! i'm with abbey, if paul says its all good, then god help us if its not! xo

pita-woman said...

Who is King Paul?

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

He was our Prime Minister at one time...MG can give you all the nitty gritty...

but he was known for his arrogance..famous one-liners ie 'two men and a cocker spaniel do not constitute a family' talking about gay rights ... his 'I don't give a f*ck ' attitude, his fights with Bob Hawke (another prime minister..though a womanising twit)hs gorgeous long legged wife Anita ... and for all that though hes an incredibly intellegent man must admit, at his peak he did it for

Chelsea + Shiloh said... is a bit of a worry that Paul has surpassed Meatloaf in your dreams?