Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Journey

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost


Tex's Missus said...

I wish I was brave enough to take the road less travelled more often than I do MG...because it probably would make all the difference. There are lots of reasons for this, probably not all because of a lack of courage, but also a lack of time and being swayed by others (popular) opinion ...but certainly fear of failure is a huge impediment to choosing the 'less travelled'. I love the way your posts make me think ...

Unknown said...

You are most welcome!

And if you get bored you could move to the opposite side of the continent and change your name! Not sure where this road less travelled is taking me but I sure am enjoying the journey lol

Was this week at work any better than the last?

Anonymous said...

It's about following your own path ... very wise!

Indigo-Daisy said...

OOOOH I have loved Robert Frost since second grade.

I have taken the road less traveled quite a bit and it never ceases to amaze me.

Unknown said...

And it doesn't have to be in big ways either - try some new food, dress in a different color, do something different on a Friday night. There is always a road less travelled to be contemplated :-)

Tex's Missus said...

Yes, this week was marginally better - but the real change has been in my head...trying to make things less personal and as the result of you gorgeous girls and your amazing support. "meeting" you, Kyles and Abbey has been a most delightful and unexpected bonus of joining Blogger :)

Unknown said...

It's a mutual feeling Missus :-)