Thursday, May 8, 2008

Booking Through Thursday

Writing guides, grammar books, punctuation how-tos . . . do you read them? Not read them? How many writing books, grammar books, dictionaries–if any–do you have in your library?

I have a number of writing books and various dictionaries in my library. My "but" is that they are in my library in Western Australia and I haven't been able to bring the over here yet (yes I know the story is getting old). So I have 4 online dictionaries I consult most days as well as using online services for grammar and punctuation. I also take books from the library on those exact subjects. I love 'em :-)


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I'm not the only one. I've just apologised over on my blog for being such a sad individual!

Melody said...

I love using online dictionaries, they're so convenient!

Anonymous said...

Online is convenient, I agree. However, I love my tomes!

Mine is up too!

Megan said...

I totally went a different way with this question. I guess that is what is so cool about BTT, right?

In high school we HAD to have a dictionary with us. We had to carry it with us and look up words we didn't know. I just sort of got used to it.

Sometimes I do flip open my old American Heritage, personally I think it smells better than the web!

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Such a Goddess post... :)

pita-woman said...

Ahh, I've got two pocket dictionaries at home (one on my desk, one in the kitchen), one at work that sits right above the computer, and yes, I do use the site from time to time (today as a matter of fact!)

Anonymous said...

I use an AP Stylebook for my job all the time. But other than that, I just use if I need to look up a word. I also read books on writing and editing because I'm that nerdy.

Anonymous said...

I too prefer online dictionaries because of their convenience even though I do have an enormous Collins dictionary and a smaller Chambers pocket dictionary with me.