Monday, May 5, 2008

No Brussel Spouts

Nairbe and I are going to open a restaurant in the next few years and there is lots of fabulous conversations happening regularly about menu options.

We have agreed that although we may be cooking on some shared nights, and some different nights, all menus are to be approved by both of us.

On Sunday, and yes it was inevitable, but brussel sprouts came up. Now I know I have my quirks, and many of them I put down (read "blame") on having to eating brussel sprouts as a child.

As soon as I moved out of home I vowed and declared that a brussel sprout would NEVER even darken my doorstep, let alone I would ever have to eat one again.

Now I have oft declared my love and admiration for Brother G and apparently he has a to-die-for way of cooking the nasty beasties. Not even my feelings for him will sway me!

Even Nairbe mentioned some ways that, in principle, would be ok for cooking those despicable oxygen-thieves. I conceded that he could serve them on the nights I wasn't working. But no, he insisted that we both had to approve the menu (thinking that somehow I would relent) but that gave me my out.

AS GOD AND THE BLOG-WORLD AS MY WITNESS, I WILL NEVER EAT A BRUSSEL SPROUT AGAIN. If nothing else it is childish rebelliousness against the world - and I can live with that.

But if we are both tasting the menu, the restaurant will not serve them, will not have them and that is that. And the fact that they are on my blog (my now poor, brussel sprout contaminated blog) is proof of my public stand on the issue. I am putting my foot down (and if need be will throw a 2 year old's tantrum and stamp it repeatedly) - no brussel sprouts will pass my lips ... ever!

You can all stop laughing at me now.


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Gotta agree, bloody awful things...are they really from Brussels? Isn't that where inspector Peroit is from? ... I digress, where was I...

Bloody awful things have never had them cooked anyway that tasted even remotely edible...good lord i would not walk into a restuarant that served them...unless I was in Brussels... ha ha ha..

cant stand them or thing about being an adult is to never have to eat another pea again (uless its in the pod and Ive just picked it) ...

pita-woman said...

Okay, I was laughing, but only because you sound just like me.
Funny, I was having a similar conversation (re: vegetable likes/dislikes) with a friend yesterday.

Dislikes, nay, make that veggie HATRED!: Brussell Sprouts, Eggplant, Beets, Artichoke, Turnips & sweet-potatoes

Absolute veggie favorites: Potatoes, Peas (sorry Abz), corn, beans (pretty much all beans), carrots, tomatoes (unless you argue that it's a fruit)

And most other vegetables I'll eat as well.

Unknown said...

Sometimes think that the tourist board or whatever of Brussels must wish that they were called something else - I have no wish to go there at all, same a I have no desire to eat the sprouts.

Indigo-Daisy said...

I am not very fond of them myself, no matter how they are cooked.