Thursday, May 15, 2008

Booking Through Thursday

Scenario: You’ve just bought some complicated gadget home . . . do you read the accompanying documentation? Or not?

Do you ever read manuals?

How-to books?

Self-help guides?

Anything at all?

I read the manual before I played with my new camera, I didn't read the manuals for various kitchen gadets...

My "how to" books are recipe books - or those on food technology - which I read constantly...

I have certainly read my share of self help guides - the latest is "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying"...

I read anything and everything :-)


Melody said...

For electrical stuff, I try to ask my husband first before referring to manuals. He's more into them than me...hehe.

Kat said...

I agree that recipe books are the among the biggest "how-to" of them all. Happy Thursday! :)

Anonymous said...

No, I don't read manuals. I usually go by instinct and trial and error. By the way, I have been wanting to read The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying for quite some time now but never got around to it. :(

Maree said...

I'm not big on manuals. But my husband's very good with that stuff. :)

BooksPlease said...

Yes, my husband's great on working things out too - I ask him rather than read those instruction manuals

Vickie said...

Funny that you should ask. I have a new digital tape recorder and love it. I've been using it for two weeks now and just pulled out the manual yesterday--while downloading to my computer. I'm clearly a visual I do a bit of poking around before turning to the directions.

Chrisbookarama said...

I've tired to read the manual for my new camera but can't. Luckily, hubby read it. I just ask him!

Whispering Walls said...

Did you enjoy the Tibetan book? I loved it.

pita-woman said...

I frequently sit down with a good cookbook and read. My favorite manual of all!
I did read the owners manual that came with my last new car... I did this while at work & my boss made fun of me, saying that NOBODY ever reads those things. Guess I proved him wrong, I'm a somebody.
As for other manuals, I try to figure things out for myself first, then if I'm stumped, I usually thumb through to the section that deals with my problem area. Who has the time or patience to actually read entire manuals??

Anonymous said...

I can't read self-help books! Somehow I got a mind block!

My BTT post!

Megan said...

I have to read the manual because my (ex) husband refused to do it. He would be messing with cords and tools and I would quietly be flipping through the manual out of the way so that when he got mad and started swearing I would be ready to point him in the right direction.

CJ said...

Not big on self-help books myself but I'm with you on the recipes. As for manuals - I don't read them as thoroughly or completely as I should.


Bookdreamer said...

Now when John Wayne rode in to town to tackle the cattle barons in their fancy Eastern Style ranches you never see anyone struggling with a flat pack manual. Yet mail order catalogues took off in the 19th century so did the fancy furniture arrive all made up? We need an answer!!

Robert said...

Had to chuckle at this one MG, reminds me of an article on digital cameras a while back that went something like "unpack, throw manual in bin, then 2 days later frantically search thru bin in effort to recover manual - lol - almost as bad as getting the manual on cd - means going to comp every time tou want to check out some of the finer details , and its not even turned on so 20 mins later you have found it, then forgotten step 3 when you try to apply it - rofl.