Monday, March 24, 2008

We Dance ....

We dance for laughter,

We dance for tears,

We dance for madness,

We dance for fears,

We dance for hopes,

We dance for screams,

We are the dancers,

We create the dreams.

Found on Lola's Stardoll site (but you have to be a member to visit it so I won't put a link in). Thanks Lola.

Art from Ian Kenny Gallery, artist is Karin Volker and the work is titled "Dream Dance"


Tex's Missus said...

Stunning image and evocative words MG - I love visiting your place for my daily doses of serenity and thought provocation.

Have a happy week my friend :)

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Love the photo, and the words...I think we have a dance theme going on...x

Unknown said...

Thanks muchly TM :-)

And yes Abbey, let's dance.

When things look down, I dance. When I am happy I dance. When it is day time, I dance. When I dream I dance. No you will never see it, I dance badly but that's not the point. It lightens the load and the spirit :-)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Very pretty - both words and pic.

Indigo-Daisy said...

On Friday evenings when my son was younger my husband would go out of town and my little boy and I would turn up the stereo and dance the night away. Anyone that would have peered through our window would have laughed watching me, Keith and the dog chasing us round and round through the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room. They were fun times.