Sunday, March 16, 2008

Latest RAK

Can you see this bountiful pile of clothes? It is only a sample of what the delightful Miss K has passed onto me! What a fabulous RAK - I can tell you I am smiling from ear to ear. Her loss is my gain, in more ways than one :-)

Thank you very very much Miss K - you have made one MG a very happy (and well dressed) person :-)


M said...

Dear Mountaingirl,

It's me...the Woman of Substance in the US. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your responses on my blog. I find your insights quite keen and certainly appropriate to my situation. I am really finding myself struggling right now with so many issues and I appreciate your words of encouragement and support.

Thank you so much.

When I was a young Girl Scout, I had an Australian penpal. I would write her letters on flimsy airmail paper and wait weeks to hear something back. I loved corresponding with her. How interesting to have a 'high-tech' version now!


Unknown said...

You are more than welcome MG, I have found a few more pairs of jeans here thats I'll give you tomorrow. So glad you liked, and I hope you enjoy them. I made a card last week for one of Tony's Dad's friends, and she rang to thank me for it last night ad we talked about the concept of 'paying it forward.' I love the idea of that, and am so glad you liked xo

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

For some reason I love other peoples clothes...and i love others wearing mine, as it always looks totally different on them...