Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Joy of Tomatoes

Kind of a catchy title huh! Even more catchy when it is the theme of today's cooking class :-)

Okay I know I haven't posted them for the last couple of weeks, I have been struggling a bit with one of the participants but I was determined today not to give my joy of life away to him. And, having made that determination, it went so very very swimmingly. Only downside was that I forgot the camera so use your imagination :-)

Anyway, we made:
  • Bolognese Cannelloni
  • Mushroom Cannelloni (vegetarian option)
  • Roast Chicken with a Creamy Tomato Sauce
  • Bruschetta
  • A Garden Salad (with Tomatoes)
  • A Tomato, Basil and Baby Bocconcini Salad
I personally thought it looked fabulous and looked delicious. Making cannelloni was a new experience for the lovelies, as was bruschetta and bocconcini so the menu served its purpose :-) Also, the recipes were so easy they didn't need writing down - just a couple of verbal instructions got everyone off and running. Just perfect!


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

I'll have the brushetta, and the bocconcini salad...yumo

pita-woman said...

It all sounds dee-lish!
I can't wait to get my tomatoes planted this spring, but will have to wait another month or six weeks, 'til the danger of frost passes. Made the mistake of setting mine out too early last year and the frost killed every last one of them.
Even though my husband hardly eats 'maters, I always plant several of them. I frequently end up making salsa from scratch when I have an abundance. Ooh, I can't wait!!!

Unknown said...

sounds delish, sorry i missed it!