Monday, March 3, 2008

New Beginnings

When I went to the doctors on Friday, the nurse started my updated health info check (she is doing it for everyone) and I discovered that I have put on 8 kilograms since I did my back in. Not entirely unexpected because I have had great difficulty in moving, let alone exercising. Oh and I have been a bit slack with my eating habits - new recipes to try and all that. On the positive side, my blood pressure is perfect (for me), my blood sugars are perfect (for me) and my cholesterol is great.

Nonetheless, today is the day I have decided to start to get the weight off - of all people who can gain 8 kg, it''s not me! So forget the diet (as such) I am going back to eating by my formula - half the plate is filled with leafy green salad (or equivalent), a quarter is healthy carbs (I can't drop the carbs completely cos of the diabetes) and the remaining quarter is for protein. And I am going to move as much as I can - I remembered I have a small staircase outside the back door so even if I go up and down that a few times, it would be a good start :-)

As always, I am getting excited about the food and the potential for new ideas, will post as I come across great options. Mind you, trying to stick to food miles puts a few limits on things ... gotta love a challenge :-)


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

I do empathise. Look forward to your recipes, which I know will be inspirational.

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

In the 80's I would only eat off a bread and butter plate...then i had the chop stick diet...but I got to good at that...I think your on to a good thing there...fill up on salads...i love em...

Unknown said...

Another food challenge - yah!