Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Driving to Sydney

I love a good drive and could rabbit on for pages about my highlights, or weird things or just ways I amused myself but I have narrowed them all down.
  • On my side of the road, I saw 11 L-plate drivers between home and about Mt White - and thought that that was quite a lot
  • On the trip down and back I saw 6 Porsches and 1 Lamborghini
  • I saw 4 flowers that I hadn't seen before - one was a smallish status-like plant that wasn't status; one was large cream bells on what big prickly looking things (please note I am using technical words to describe them); another was tall stands of cream puff-balls on top of a plant I never saw; and the last was a bright orange flower on a dark green tree. Yes I should have stopped an taken photos but I like driving past and trying to figure things out :-)
  • When I was driving through the "canyons" just before Sydney the water was running down them in trails that looked like tears had been falling down their 'cheeks'.
  • It rained from Newcastle south - but never consistently - I had to adjust my wipers virtually every minute (literally) to cater for rain that was so heavy I could barely see through to a light mist.
  • Petrol prices at home are virtually the same as Sydney - and everywhere in the middle is more expensive.
  • I never want to eat fast food again - blecch!
It was long and I was tired but I really enjoyed the trip :-)


Anonymous said...

sounds like fun fun fun!!!

Unknown said...

gosh, how observant are you MG? I would be sitting in the passenger seat and notice less

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

i love the sandstone and the cliffs as one drives into Sydney...I always imagine being abe to ride there...or being a bushranger...its harsh country but gorgeous to me

Unknown said...

Those cliffs and the forest would surely make the drive into Sydney one of the best entrances to any city in the world ...