Monday, November 19, 2007

Miss Weasley

Miss Weasley is definitely one of my besties. She has been in my life for what seems like forever. We love each other and want the best for each of us - isn't that the essence of a bestie! From there our similarities probably end ha ha ha ha!

There have been many shared experiences which bind us but whilst I love gardens, Miss Wesley loves concrete. While Miss Weasley always looks immaculate, I love Sarong tops and crocs and makeup is definitely optional. While I cooking is my idea of fun, Miss Wesley would prefer to be running around the block. While Miss Weasley is enjoying her dinner I am going on about spice blends and what I would do different. But despite our differences, which are superficial at best, there is a deep abiding commonality between us. She is my sister in every (excluding the biological bit) sense of the world - she has taught me all I know about being a sister/sista, about womanhood, about being assertive without being aggressive, about living what you believe.

While I am very private about having my photo taken, Miss Weasley welcomes the opportunity to be blogged.

So, meet Miss Weasley one of my besties, mother to the children I love best and helped take care of when younger, inspiration in so many ways, compassionate and always fun :-)


Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Weasley HAHA :)

Unknown said...

yes hello Miss Weasley, pleased to meet you! Any friend of MG's is a friend of mine...giggles!

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Hello Miss Weasley!!!, good to have you on MG Musings...Welcome...x

Annony has the laughs again..

Unknown said...

See Miss Weasley, you are now part of the crowd :-)