D-J (as in THE best J in the whole wide world) is an incredible young man. I could tell 'cute' stories about him but I respect that he may not want them posted here so instead I will just say that when work gets tough, D-J is the person my mind wanders to - he is only a fraction younger than the young people I work with but there the similarity ends. D-J is a real gentleman and it is an honor to know him. Oh, and can beat me at bball - and has been able to
J-Bear will soon be the new bearant of Cheryl. I have never really shared my bears before (aside fro the wonderful C and J who are still fostering some for me), let alone give them to a new home but if there is anyone who I would trust to love and care for Cheryl, it is J-Bear. J-Bear will be living in America with the family soon and on the day she arrives, Cheryl will be there waiting in a pink box, with a purple blanket with her name sewn on with sequins (and
Miss J-May is an absolute bundle of love. She is smart and fun. She is caring and compassionate. She is an incredible human being. It was J-May who insisted on sleeping with me when she came to visit one time and then rolled over during the night - forcing me out of bed. So I moved to another bed, she followed - as did the the rock and rolling. Everyone knows the song "there was two in the bed and the little one said 'roll over, roll over', so they all rolled over and I went splat!" (well that is our version of it anyway :-)
So D-J, Fishface and Turkey Breath - welcome to my blog :-)
Whoops, better explain that last one when J-Bear was very very little I came up with the theory that you could say anything you wanted so long as you did it in the right tone of voice - for example I could read her the newspaper instead of a bedtime story if the highs and lows of my voice were right. J-Bear caught me doing the same when J-May was little and, after she got over her moral outrage, joined in. So the three of us share the names Turkey-Breath and Fishface as terms of endearment - after it it is not what you say but how you say it :-/ ... I think you just had to be there :-)
I loved this post...Miss Wesley has 3 drop dead gorgeous munchkins...
Life is always more doable through the eyes of a child...U is lucky girl MG...x
Why thank you Miss A ... and yes I am very very lucky :-)
Hi everyone! Plus Miss Weasley too .. I did read the posts below this one :) Mountaingirl, if you aren't D-J, Fishface or Turkey Breath, what do they call you?
i was about to ask that too anony...and yeah totally cute kids :)
I share Fishface and Turkey Breath with the girls - somehow we never actually came up with three names so we share the two :-/
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