Sunday, November 25, 2007

Vale Democrats

The Democrats didn't make it through this one. Now it is my personal opinion that Meg Lees killed the party when she screwed their supporters over the GST - it has been all downhill from there. Mind you Cheryl's ridiculous move to the ALP and ongoing leadership problems haven't done them any favors either.
So who will keep the bastards honest now (for international readers 'Keeping the Bastards Honest' has been the Democrats slogan)? Looking at the Senate it appears to fall to Nick Xenophon...
I liked the Democrats for one main reason, they were never going to become a major party but until the last few years they did a great job when they had the balance of power - appearing to genuinely work for Australia rather than any specific alliance tot he majors.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...keeping the bastards honest indeed, as that wonderful poet Mr Dylan once said... the times they are a-changing, and one can only hope a new young bunch of democrats can work from the ground up to revive what has been a fantastic option for an australia stuck on the bi-partisan see-saw.