Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pie in the Sky

I hit the kitchen last night - and made a super beef pie. It was my last non-vegetarian night so why not :-)

The steak was diced and then browned with a little garlic. This was then transferred to a casserole dish. I chopped up an equal amount of mushrooms and added to the dish. In went two diced tomatoes. Then I cooked up a heap of onion - about an equal amount to the beef - in balsamic vinegar. Then add it to the pot. Add a herb or two, a little pepper and a little gravy mix and about 1 1/2 C water. With the lid on I cooked it all for a couple of hours on low. Once it was beautiful and tender I crumpled up some filo, sprayed it with oil and baked until golden.

This was served with mashed potato (that went through my new ricer) and a corn cob.... he he he there was actually two pieces of corn but I ate one before I took the photo :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how come it was your last non vego night? did you go non-vego for a while...sorry i have missed reading ur blogs and am trying to catch up, forgive me if its a dumb question!

PS I miss you already