Sunday, June 8, 2008

Things That Annoy Me

I have to speak out. I canna hold my tongue no longer. It irks me when people misuse the word "literally". We use similies and metaphors continuously in our conversation - a perfectly acceptable way to demonstrate a point, or to express an idea more clearly. It is not acceptable to insert the word "literally" (meaning "actually" or "word for word" or "in a strict sense").

I have heard two examples of the misuse of 'literally' this morning alone. The first was describing a concert in which the audience was "literally blown away" by a new single. In actually fact they all retained their seats, or their places in the mosh pits. They may have been impressed by the new song but no one was removed from the building by a big wind.

The second was she "was literally green with envy". Now let me tell you (and this is an important piece of life advice), if you are with someone that literally turns green - call for medical assistance immediately. Envy is not the cause and it is definitely something that requires further tests and probably hospitalization.

I know I am ranting. I know that we all have these things that bug us (don't even get me started on the use of the comma). And for the most part, if it is on commercial television I know I have to suck it up because they don't make programs for people like me. But I heard one on my beloved Radio National this week too. Has the world ended? Has SCOSE gone on holidays?

Sigh ... it's all too much :-)


Anonymous said...

Too true, lol.

I haven't actually paid attention to the use of this word, but now that you have pointed it out, I am sure I will cringe on a regular basis.

There are so many errors of grammar or usage present every day in the media, and I struggle to understand why, when it is so easy to write things correctly, there is not a little time taken to get it right.

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

I literally hate the misue of the word surreal...especially post 11 Sept... that is another thing, I hate that most comps have american spelling by default?? and dates written backwards as they do eg 9/11

Whispering Walls said...

You are (literally) correct

pita-woman said...

Hey now!, whatcha mean the dates written backwards? That's just the way it's done in the USA, it's what is taught to us from the time we're old enough to learn. Doesn't mean it's wrong, just different.
As for the comma thing, I used to be a champion grammatical student back in my school days. Got those commas where they belonged every time. But as I get older, I find I have more trouble with it. Apostrophies (sp?) are what give me the most problems though... hate those little buggers!