Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nostaligic Saturday

When I was growing up we had an orange orchard on our property.

You have got to know I didn't appreciate that one little bit (apart from the climbing options available of course). Having an orchard meant that child labor was involved in picking oranges and packing oranges. Then there was the constant supply of the beasties - and never say "I'm hungry" because the automatic response was "have an orange".

And whenever guests came child labor would be involved in squeezing 10 litres or so - which wasn't a big deal because we had an electric squeezer - but orange juice is sticky and the empty skins are even stickier and the kitchen needed to be cleaned at the end of it all.

Then came the glorious day when the orchard was pulled out - "freedom" I cried but it was really on the beginning of the never-ending stick-picks that required ongoing child labor.

Is it possible that I am exaggerating? Possibly. Did I also mention that we hired labor to help with the picking? No. Does it mean I will eat an orange? No, definitely not! I will use them in cooking, and if someone else squeezes them I will happily drink real juice but I can't bring myself to eat one - and never ask me to peel one with my fingers ....


Anonymous said...

I so love this story MG, my family has similar memories with banana's ... everytime we leave my uncles you have a bag thrust in your hands,then comes the never ending banana cakes....

and its sooo true, orange juice is

Robert said...

I suppose that most children from a rural background can relate to this in one way or another - we had a dairy when I was young, but dont give me a glass of milk to drink :-)

Unknown said...

Amen to both of you - and as Dadawas working in a dairy as well, double that for you Robert :-)

pita-woman said...

Robt., you sound like my f-i-l... he worked in a dairy while going to college, & since that time, refuses to drink milk.
I can appreciate how "too much of a good thing" can get old, especially when experiencing it as a child. Loved the story though!

Indigo-Daisy said...

So did you ever tire of the simply wonderful smell of orange blossoms? We drove out to California a few years ago where there were orchards of oranges, and I must say it was the most beautiful scent I have ever come across in my life. I wish I could have bottled it up to take home with me.