So, for Love Q #7, tell me this: Is love alone enough in a relationship?
Absolutely not I say! Love is transitional at the best of times, let alone when a relationship is under stress! A friendship (and a genuine liking of each other) and a commitment to stick together through the tough times are the only things that might ensure long-term success.
I mean how many times have we heard someone say "I love you but I don't like you" at which point we all roll our eyes because the inevitable is coming - maybe not immediately, but it is coming. "Like" and a decision to stay has to be the basis from which love can grow - and will sustain through those moments when love isn't there (your partner has just announced they have had an affair, you can't pay the bills).
And if it gets so bad that staying is no longer and option, then no amount of "I love you's" is going to change that for you.
As the song says "sometimes love just ain't enough"
That bit about "I love you, but I don't LIKE you...", would it be too cruel of me to say that's how I feel about many of my kinfolk, even those considered immediate-family members??
No it wouldn't be cruel - it would be honest.
I know I went through a few years of angst with my birth-mother (which is a tangent to the initial question) trying to convince her to be honest that she really didn't like me (if we had've met at a party we wouldn't even have exchanged phone numbers), and her "love" was just a word of obligation and didn't really exist. So much easier to be honest lol!
I really don't know why we traditionally have to put different expectations and accept a different level of crap from some people just because they fluked a blood link.
Yes I am a nice person really lol
Hmmm... I certainly like to think love is everything but now that I'm wiser (I hope I am), I know many other factors come into play to make things work. Love is important and crucial but so are other aspects of life like respect, understanding, commitment, and yes, money!!
Firstly, you have to be able to define the indefinable - What IS love?? - every person has a different interpretation of the meaning of love.
Sorry, I think other wise. Read mind to find out why...
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