Sunday, June 22, 2008

Magic Moments

Despite my computer being out of action this week, and not being able to blog (do you know how much of my life revolves around blogging - or thinking about blogging - I certainly didn't until now lol) I have had the best week - especially the best weekend (Thursday - Saturday).

So should my magic moment be the dinner I cooked on Friday night, or Nairbe spending 4 hours on my computer yesterday reloading XP and helping me rebuild things generally, or the friendship of Abbey who has held my hand all week - especially when I was grumpy and frustrated... all of these are worthy but there was one outstanding Magic Moment.

I went to the mountain on Thursday - with the plan on using Nairbe's computer and catching up on my blogging but even that plan went astray so I had a long nap and started reading instead (everyone was out until about 8 that evening).

Mid afternoon found me on the front porch reading my second book, taking photos and generally finding my peace. And then it happened - the thunder started rumbling. Now, for me, thunder comes from one place, rumbles and then goes away. THIS thunder began rolling over to the left side of the sky, rumbled all the way over to the right and then back to the left. Once I started counting it lasted for 12 seconds - and I started once I realised it was going on for a bit (maybe 4 or 5 seconds).

It was the most incredible experience - does it make sense to say that I could watch the sound?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Makes perfect sense to me, same as you can watch silence... ah chick we all have those weeks and considering you spent a week babysitting me we bout even and damn lucky we have each