Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Love Q #6

What are your top 5 criterias for choosing a mate, in order of priority? In other words, what is your ideal partner like?

Hmmm, I reserve the right to change at least some of the points on the list (after the first) lol

1 Has to be able to stimulate me intellectually - over a broad range of subjects
2 Has to be someone who respects themself, and others
3 Has to be relatively baggage free
4 Has to be honest
5 Has to be looking for a partnership (as opposed to be the "head of the house")

It would be a bonus if they want me for my body instead of my mind ... well every now and then anyway :-)

OMG, I have actually completed this without a cynical thought. Am I sick or am I mellowing lol - this might just be a good meme for me after all!


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Like your list Chick...and especially the view is, 'here is you, here is me, here is life...lets kick arse'

God i would love someone who wanted me for my and not just my body....(sigh)

Unknown said...

The grass is always greener lol

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... interesting list. Respect is important certainly and I think a lot of marriages survived based on healthy respect for each rather than just love alone. Makes sense?

Unknown said...

Aud I think that respect carries you through the times that the love is not there - either in times of anger or pain or just drifting apart. These can either be momentarily or last a bit longer. And if we treat ourselves,and each other, with respect, it gives a chance for the love to come back.

I loved my husband, and still do very much (he passed for those new to the blog) but in my moments of self-doubt I do remember one specific thing he said to me in a moment of anger when he was just trying to deflect his pain. The one thing didn't, nor wouldn't have ended things, but I think a collection of similar instances would have. We can forgive but not forget.

Ideally if we retain the respect, then those things don't get said, or done, as the case may be.