And speaking of podcasts, Phillip proudly announced that there has been 8 229 489 downloads of LNL podcasts between 1 February and 30 September of this year!!! I have more than my share of this number to the point that I am no longer sure I can hold the title of Gladys and probably should be calling myself a Poddie instead :-)
Phillip also mentioned, as a throw-away phrase, that he was sure that only 3 of his listeners had read the Australian Constitution - doesn't that make me one of the elite! I must admit I have read the Constitution a number of times over the years and (until I moved to the east coast) had a dog eared copy sitting in my bookcase for easy referral. And, should I *ever* get my stuff moved over, it shall be there again. Surely there are more than 3 of us ....
So while Phillip has been doing a week of 'thank yous', I have decided to add one of my own - thank you to the LNL team for the immense enjoyment and knowledge that you have prepared for me in 2007. It is not only my favorite hour of the day but with podcasts, I can repeat the pleasure over and over and over.
See you in 2008 and we shall do it all over again :-)
1 comment:
Darling....u r potty..laugh...no not for listening to Philip (that name means lover of horses by the way)
but reading our constitution...girl!! hey didnt it change in 2005, so you will have to buy a new one...personally if I need to know..i check the net..
Now there in lies a post in itself darling, will we become a bookless society? Possibly just use virtual libraries...I don't think so, going by the amount of books i saw being bought for christmas...
Heres something I know only you can relate to...I love the smell of a new book...
Keep reading and listening chick...x
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