Thursday, December 13, 2007

Food Miles Decisions

I have resolved my coffee quandary - assuming that quality and price are comparable, I shall be purchasing my coffee locally. And I may have found an organic coffee farm closer than Byron Bay too - even less miles :-)

I am still meditating on my love of bubbly water - yes I can drink lakes of it. Now it is Australian but there are food miles involved in getting it to me - not to mention the bottle it comes in. So I have decided to treat myself to one bottle a fortnight (as a transition) and otherwise I shall be drinking water, re-using existing bottles - from the tap. I am thinking that icy water might be an equal substitute so I shall give that a go. All in all reducing my food miles to nil.

I have heard of a restaurant that sources EVERYTHING withing 10 miles of the kitchen. I love this and shall have many posts on it to come. But I have figured that if a restaurant can successfully run with that basic criteria then surely I can do that too - or at least give it a damn good try.

Again I shall post my decisions as they come along :-)

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