Wednesday, December 17, 2008


* NOTE: I preface this post by saying that I really am not vain, nor I am I trying to big-note myself in any way at all.

I mentioned a little while ago that I was buying new clothes and that I have started my new job.

What I am finding absolutely amazing is the number of compliments I am receiving on my appearance from workplace strangers. I have received a lot of positive feedback from those that know me and that is really valuable and makes my heart sing. But apart from comments about my hair, or rings, or handbag, I have NEVER had compliments about my WHOLE presentation - and certainly not from strangers, and certinaly not at this volume.

Now I am not putting myself down - but if you spend less than $50 a year on your appearance you don't actually expect a lot of positive feedback. And, on the whole, I value so many other things apart from how a person looks (like their integrity, their sense of humor, their compassion) and as such it hasn't been something that was even on the radar of being important.

To be fair, it still isn't "important" but wow, how it lifts the spirits and I have noticed how I am carrying my head a little higher after each event.

Photo: "Compliment Each Other" by XxwhoadreambigxX


pita-woman said...

It is amazing how something as simple as a compliment can lift one's spirits.
I don't know about you, or anybody else out in blogger world, but for some reason I have a hard time accepting a compliment. I know a "thank you" is the polite thing to say, but for whatever reason, I just try to brush them aside or downplay them.
Anybody else have 2-cents worth on this subject?

Unknown said...

It is hard to accept a compliment, and more often than not I'll minimise it rathetr than accept it, usually by saying, oh this old shirt, or i've owned this for ages. But you go girl MG, you looked fabulous when I saw you on Monday evening and it's sooo good to see you so happy xo

Anonymous said...

It took me a long time to loose that reaction that Pita and Kyles have. I stop myself and all I need to say is 'Thank you' nothing more... and its respect for the other person taking the time to say something nice to me... but boy did I feel awkward at first...

mmm and have to agree with Kyles...u lookin damn hot woman!

XOXO said...

It's not a secret. Compliments work wonders with a woman's confidence and sexuality. I love them a lot. And they do really raise your mood, if they are sincere, of course.
So, lady MG, I am happy for you and hope you will enjoy "sheltering" in this posture. Womankind, I think we all deserve that!