Friday, September 21, 2007

Sleeping with Phillip Adams

I sleep at night with an MP3 player attached to my head feeding me Radio National (through the ABC) podcasted programs.

My favorite programs to listen to are those of Phillip Adams. Now I have enjoyed Mr Adams' program for an infinite number of years but I have felt that increasing considerably in the last year or so. Has he made changes to the program, well no, I just feel my maturity is developing.

Phillip is very opinionated, very clever, very funny and very philosophical. I can add witty, charming and well read which kinda makes him the perfect man.

Now, I say from the outset, I don't agree with everything he says but what I admire most is that his opinions are well formulated and are solidly grounded. I think if we were at a dinner party it would be an scintillating debate, not a meaningless argument. And because it is a radio program, his guests are always impeccably selected for the interview - informed, balanced and personable.

He informs me and then I have to consider what to I think or believe and why.

As such I commend to you the world of Phillip Adams.


Unknown said...

I used to listen to Phillip before my husband and kids converted me to JJJ. I'll take your word for the perfect man bit, but yes he has a great head for radio...giggles :)

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

I'm liking him..but especially want to get his book, Adams verses God..trouble is at the moment I have about 3 books on the go at once. I was listening to the interview on the book and my first thought was 'God my husband would love this'. Faithful Catholic but loved a good debate with an athiest. So yes definitely on my list