Sunday, September 30, 2007

Camelia Cottage

I have been out and about today and popped into Camellia Cottage, the nursery in Fernmount. It isn't the biggest nursery that I have ever been to but it certainly has everything I need - and the gentleman who owns it can take orders for anything it doesn't have.

I should have asked for the guys name so I could pass it on but if you make it to the nursery, well, you just can't miss him. Not only is he genuine and friendly, he knows everything there is to know about the plants you are buying - and freely passes on this information to you. From potting tips, to placements to variety selection, this guy is a font of knowledge that doth overflow :-) (my poetry attempt for the day ha ha ha).

In a world where the big guys run the show on volume and mega stores and you are kinda on your own, this is one nursery that has full and complementary customer service. And this service doesn't cost a penny more than the big stores. The gentleman even carried my plant selection around for me!

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