Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 4 Report

Whoops, I didn't get a chance to post yesterday but that didn't mean I had forgotten. Actually I have had to start thinking about what money to spend - the $1 for the beans was an easy decision but then I started considering pesto - for which I have a million uses - but it is $5 for the jar (my basil isn't ready for harvesting yet). And I am running out of honey (how I don't know I always seem to have pots of it around) so do I buy more, or do I find something else to drink? And is drink included in the "feed" part of the challenge .... yes I love a good loophole.

Breakfast: Beans with toast

Afternoon Snack: Toasted cheese and tomato sandwich

Dinner: Vegetable and couscous casserole with a lamb chop

Drinks: Honey tea

Total expenditure so far: $1

Image: "Coins" by lubroz

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