Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ralph and Julia

Guess who is Australia's Sexiest Woman (after Jen Hawkins) ..... no not me, is Julia Gillard!

Yes the guru of all that men think is sexy, the (in)famous Ralph magazine has decided that our Julia is a Silver Award winner.

Okay so Ralph is focussing more on the sexiness of her power than her body, her personality or her mind, and Julia is apparently not taking things overly seriously but it was enough for Miss K to ring and let me know first thing this morning and for this MG to do a happy dance.

You go girl :-)


Unknown said...

there was no one else i thought to ring, knowing of course your love of powerful women!! Yay for brains I say!

Indigo-Daisy said...

Thank you for introducing me to Miss Julia! How embarrassing that I am not aware of politics outside my own ocean boundaries. Blogging has really opened up my world. Indeed, what a sexy women.

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Ah its all good Indigo, I'm having trouble following the American that shes sexy (mind you Paul Keating does it for, she was kickin but in parliment on 'work choices' the other day..

but if she ends up in Womans Weekly for her hair or clothes I'll flippin scream...Wonder if she was a nerd at school?

Nairbe said...

Funny i thought this simply demonstrated how easily led the male population are by current events

Nairbe said...

Funny i thought this simply demonstrated how easily led the male population are by current events

Unknown said...

Well Nairbe, as a member of the male species I will defer to your knowledge of the subject lol

Indigo, hear hear to Miss A. I like to think I have my fingers on the world's political buttons but naming deputy leaders for most any country ... well you would have to be kidding :-)