Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hasidic Tales 1

This is a story about Rabbi Zusya who was a real Rabbi, walked on this earth hundreds of years ago, and he was found weeping by his disciples, and his disciples were worried, and they asked him why he was crying.

And Rabbi Zusya said, 'I'm crying because I know what they will ask me when I stand at the gates of heaven'

And the disciples were worried.

They said, 'What will they ask?' and Rabbi Zusya said, 'When I stand at the gates of heaven, they won't ask me, "Zusya why weren't you more like Abraham?" or "Why weren't you more like Moses?" they will say to me, "Zusya, why weren't you Zusya?"

From ABC's Spirit of Things

1 comment:

Unknown said...

to thy own self be true huh! xo