Friday, August 24, 2007

Storms and John

When John was around one of our favorite activities was to head down to the beach and watch storms come in across the horizon. The swirling clouds that changed from dove grey to a dark and angry beast were fascinating. And the shower-curtain of rain coming in for what seemed like hundreds of miles was both exciting and awe-inspiring. This obviously isn't my photo but you get the idea.

Add to that we were playing the 6IX game. 6IX is a daggy AM radio station in Perth that played music generally from the late sixties to the early eighties. And they played them in long strings of six to eight in a row. Our game was to be the first to come up with the artist and song with bonus point for the album or other relevant details. I had to cut out the points for names of drummers as John appeared to know them all.

And, of course, the obligatory couple of bottles of champagne.

I accidentally did this again today. It was another rainy day so I left for work early, got some lunch and went to Macauley's (one of the local surf spots) to watch the grey milky waves crash against the beach. And guess what, a storm came in!! Okay, on the radio was a political documentary instead of daggy music, and I had bubbly water instead of champagne but it was just magic to relive the memories.


Unknown said...

...did you wind your window down and smell that smell...mmmm...I love the smell of a storm rolling in! See, there, you ain't so crazy after all! Tony and I even have a storm song, Brothers In Arms by Dire Straits...don't laugh at us please! We are lightning freaks and have been known to drop everything and head for the nearest headland in an electrical storm. I remember once he woke me in the middle of the night to drive out and watch a storm. That was BK (before kids) though...Not that we get to go parking much anymore, loses it's appeal with three kids in the backseat...giggles..

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Woopi headland!, I love the energy of a storm, apparently as a child i was frightened of them, so my grandmother would rug me up, and nurse me on her lap and under the verandah we would watch the storms...still one of my favourite things esp. with Bella and Giuseppe..

Anonymous said...

Im so Glad someone else gets exited at the thought of a thunderstorm. I find very exiting myself - childishly exiting!

Most people think Im mad when I say something in response to a forecast like "Oh goodie! A thunderstorm, isnt it great!"

It brings back memories of times as a kid when their where blackouts and we would get the candles out, it was a way of transforming THIS world into the one I always dreamed of being in, a castle, hundreds of years ago.......

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say before....mind you, I dont like being out from under a roof during them. Probably the biggest fright I have had in my life (as of yet) was when I was really young, I was about 5, I can remember it very clearly though. I was walking up the back steps to our patio, and the clouds had been coming over for a while. All of sudden the biggest CLAP of thunder let loose over my head....I Bolted. Apparently my mother said she had seen me from the kitchen nearly jump 3 foot and from then on all night I was attatched firmly to her hip. It was good timing as she was madly cooking for Dinner that night.
I like thunder, lightning ect. But just AFTER i have made it inside :)