Monday, August 27, 2007


I think we all have our little security blankets that, no matter what, make us feel safe. Some of mine are: fresh brown bread spread with butter, the ABC news soundtrack (radio), rain on a tin roof, 'golden' light (occurs in the late afternoon in Autumn), sleeping in my own bed, the smell of a shearing shed and the caroling of a magpie.


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Pea & Ham Soup (Mothers)...a fire, yes my bed (my fave thing)... My satin pj's ... condensed milk on fresh hi-top bread (the smell)josef on the lounge...

Unknown said...

this is comforts are laughing til my belly hurts, time with family, not all of them, just select ones!!!, being held really tight and knowing that he knows what i know (if you get what i mean!), broccoli when it's so lightly steamed the colour just goes glossy (weird I know), the smell of denco-rub (reminds me of my nanna) and lastly for now the smell of rain after a long dry spell...mmmm...