In relation to the car, it has been raining for two days so I can almost call it clean. the detailing .... well it has been raining :-}
The garden, well I was sitting on the front porch watching the rain and trying to decide what was more pleasurable - working in the garden (assuming it ever stopped raining) or watching the rain. And then, like a light bulb coming over my head I asked myself why I couldn't garden in the rain? After all, I am the girl who loves jumping in puddles!
So I put on my crocs and, in my nearly favorite pyjamas, I got to work. I moved the sage to next to the lavender (in front of the oregano). I have clumped the chives. I removed the basil (I was going to let it regrow cos it got to over 4' last year but saved some seed so I will just start again. My garlic experiment is still travelling along. The mint (under the palm in the top corner) was in the wrong spot and I am not sure it will come back so I might n
I will go to the nursery tomorrow and get some seed raising mix and put the basil seeds in and get them motoring. Might even put a variety of mint seeds in too.
So, consider this the 'before' photo of my garden, and I will update the photo as the flourishing begins. And don't forget it was a barren wasteland last September and I have already had many and ongoing bountiful harvests
We were both doing the same thing. I mulched all my citrus but to me the rain after being dry so long, meant renewal, spring & cleansing. A shaking off of winter. I had a ball..lots of mess & laughs...i cant wait for your herb garden to flourish, so appreciated the Basil of last year. I miss my herb garden, parsley & chives in a pot is not the
smiles...your garden looks fantastic baby, well done. You have inspired me to get out and do my herb garden again now that spring is on the way. Although I'm lazy, mine is a couple of planter boxes hanging off the back verandah! enjoy the rest of your break, k
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