Thursday, June 5, 2008

That Time of the Year

I have a mouse in the house. I know this because I saw it this morning. I am being incredibly optimistic and insisting there is only one. The traps are down and I am now just hoping for the best.

I often wonder which is the most annoying vermin to have in the house: mice, ants or cockroaches. Today I am definitely voting for the mouse (still using singular).


Vickie said...

I have to say these guys make a mess and hope you are right that it is just one. I make gourd art and once I left some cut gourds on a shelf for a while until I had time to clean out the seeds. The day I became certain I had a problem, I found gourd seeds piled high in one of my shoes in the laundry room!

pita-woman said...

Gives me cold-chills just thinking about them!
Knocking on wood here... we've been fortunate that we've only ever had them in our garage and not the rest of the house.

Unknown said...

I missed out on the joy of them moving inside last year - had one the year before that. Sigh ... I always consider just walking out of the house and moving every time I think of them :-/

Indigo-Daisy said...

In Texas we had roof rats that got in our attic. You could hear them pouncing around up there. (They were much bigger than mice) We used a little box trap and my husband would take them out to the country and let them go in a field. (to go bother someone else). Nasty little buggers.

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

So laughing, Id be happy with yep the 'rat sack' is out, Chels food is attracting them, so I need a steele bin...Im told Palm trees are a no no as they use them to get into the house...I actually think they are cute and if they leave me alone im cool....

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Hope this problem has gone away! I dislike cockroaches the most - the tiny ones like those in Coffs!

Unknown said...

Well I saw him again yesterday - peeking out his head and checking if the coast is clear. I have upped the ante and changed the bait in the traps from cheese to peanut butter. Here's hoping the little door will be closed when I got home and there will be a hygenic disposal. If not it will be time to get some pellets as well :-/